Lean Management
Lean management
QM system
Led by customer demands, we employ sophisticated ABS systems and foster a culture of close teamwork. We establish shared objectives and visions, dedicated to creating a team with distinct competitive strengths. We are steadfast in our pursuit of developing a lean and efficient Tsubaki operation.

From DQE\SQE\PQE to CQE, a comprehensive system management of TQM has been formed.

Quality-oriented-value symbiosis

Address: No.8, Chuangye East Road, Xiaolin District, Liangang Industrial Zone, Jinwan District, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
SAF Coolest v1.3.1.2 设置面板 GAGSD-ZGYF-JESSE-ZSA
图片ALT信息: Zhuhai Chuntian Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.
违禁词: First, best, first-class, leading, unique, king, leader, leader, extreme, famous, excellent